Monday, July 7, 2008

Big Thank YOU!

This is a shout out to my dearest, Mark and Brenda Hendricks and Michelle Johnson, friends from years ago, thank you for the cute hats. Thank you for thinking of me. I love you and miss you!

Also a shout out to my boyz who shaved their heads in supoport! I love you forever!!!!!


AuntieM said...

Dang, you have the perfect head for baldness.You are so cute. I am sad for you too. I really apprecated having Mom and Dad with me during my recovery. Tons of love and major hugs. see you soon.

Aim said...

Can't wait to see you in a few weeks! we should be there on the 18th i think. Til then, keep on keeping on! love ya.


Jamie said...

Awww, mommy! I want to come and snuggle you and make you yummy food and do your laundry! I miss you adn I am sad you're without your mommy! I hate being away from mine! ;)

Geo said...

Anybody who looks this great without hair should realize she is hard-down beautiful, and that's that. You are a great lady.

Anonymous said...

Yo mama what's up. I miss you. I like your bald head. I can't wait to come home and rub it. I can't wait to see you.
I love you,

Jill Petersen said...

I Love what Allison did with your blog! It's SO YOU! It looks great!

TYLER said...

hi nana its tee tee we will be up ther shortly we are at jamies house so by the time u read this we mite be ther all redy see u soon


Laura said...

I miss you mom! I love you so much.