The hair thing was just getting out of hand (head) . Every time I touched my head I got hair stuck to some part of my hand . It is everywhere, Laura was coughing up hairballs tonight! So I asked Mark to buzz me. This is before...........

Mark is getting the video camera ready for Grandpa to document the event.

I never had a hair cut with the clippers, now I know why little kids cry!

You can see all the bald spots..........mangy I tell ya!

Almost done......


I swear we're twins! Although Daddy has prettier hair!!
Laura thought everyone needs a bag of my hair....sooo ya'll get one :)
I love momma!
Mom you crack me up! I look forward to my bag of hair though! It was very refreshing to talk to you today. I love you!
You're beautiful...
I am out of other words, it's taken me back a bit. I love you mama!
Ok ,You just lost 10 lbs. You look awesome. Guess I'm next...I've been wishin for years that I could shave my head too.
ralph saya absolutely not. What is he afraid of? That I might look better than him bald??? :D I am so joyful at the thought that you eill be well after all this. I pray that it will not linger. So thankful for the hope the gospel brings.. Love you.
Yay, you have a playlist! love you!
Hi, this is Jannette, Jill's friend in Tucson. I just wanted you to know I check in on you every day to see how you are doing. I think of you often and wish you all the best. Looks like you are being well taken care of! You are very lucky to have such a loving family!
Hey time for a home base update!!!!!
Love you !!!
Jannette you're too sweet! I love you like a sis! Thanks for checkin on my mama!
lol you lock cute, do i get a bag, haha anywayi love and i hope u get beter and ill see u soon
ooooo i forgot to tell u i got a new blog so u can chang the link k by
love tyler
Hey I still havent got my bag of hair yet
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