Monday, May 24, 2010

Blessings Unmeasured

Sorry I haven't posted in such a long time. I have been a really sick puppy. Since I went to Tucson with Willy in April, I have been in the hospital another 8 days. I had 2 litres of fluid on my lungs that were drained off by needles through my back ribs into the sacks of fluid. There was fluid around my heart, and we thought that I would have to have that drained too. But! the magic of lasix and going to the rest room a million times took the fluid out of my body. I am still seeing my oncologist and I have a chemo treatment on Thursday, I have a couple of appt.s with the cardiologist for an echocardiogram and an angiogram some time in June. Thank you fro all your faith and prayers in my behalf. I love you all so much and appreciate your love and support. I know that I am so blessed, It is the Lords' hands.......this life is The test.


CrumpyLady said...


We love you and are thinking of you often! Saw a great picture of you and mom last night when we were looking at old family photos. I think it was probably 20 years old! We want to come visit when you're up for it, so let us know!


Aim said...

you are in our prayers daily, especially the little boys. They love to pray for nana. We'll come down and see you again soon. Maybe we'll try and plan it around this move of yours so we can help, and I'll get to see a little more of you this time.

love you
