My Lollie and me, freezing!!

sunset on the trip

The fire dept. Santa and the kids

We are anxiously waiting for Jill and Drew to get here. It has been snowing on and off since we got home from Montana...it is still above zero though. It doesn't feel so cold, somehow "below zero" just makes you cold wether you are out in it or not. Mark and I went to the cancer center yesterday and gave them cookies(the great nurses) and gave Dr. Simon his copy of the "Cancer Chronicles" that Jamie and Rich made for me. He was so surprised! I showed him my copy and he kept saying what a wonderful gift it is. When we gave him his copy he said,"I wanted to ask if I could borrow it and read it, but I knew it was not the right thing to do". So he has his own copy and I hope my testimony of Gods' love and care comes through. Thank you Jamie and Rich for knowing how special that book would be to me. Things are good here. Dana and Rodney are getting married tomorrow evening, our sweet Bishop is doing the ceremony here at the house. We are making a blue and whit backdrop where the bay window is in the living room, so there will be a pretty place for them to stand and have pictures.
Sure do miss you all, as always our thoughts are of our loved ones who aren't with us. May the Lord watch over you and keep you wrapped in the arms of His love.
Holy crap! I guess thats a good thing for Dana and Rod to do. Miss you my mama. Lobe you.
ahahahahaha. that pic of the boys poopn just cracks me up!!
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