Sunday, November 9, 2008

Happy Sabbath to you all

These are our FHE teams for Apples to Apples. It was fun, but the little kids got bored, they don't have the vocabulary to understand the game.

Today it is grey and cold, a regular fall day here. I am warmed by the sweet spirit that was in our Fast and Testimony meeting today. I so love the gospel of Jesus Christ, I am thankful for the Peace and assurance that I have. I know that my Father in Heaven loves me, and whatever happens in my life or yours, He is mindful of us and He is in charge. I pray for the day when He comes again and the wickedness on this earth will end. I am forever grateful for my precious wonderful family and the love that we share. The gospel is true, live it to the best of your ability,
be assured that you will be blessed and watched over in the troubling days to come. I love you all!


Laura said...

mom, you look so cute with your "Buzz cut"! I sure do love you.

AuntieM said...

Fun! I sure love you guys. How was your last Pet scan? Do you see the doctor tomorrow? I love youand hope all is well. Hello Cody. Nice to see your cute little face. How the heck are ya? Love to you all. MEM