Papa, Jack and Ben
Papa, Isabelle and Ally
Jill, Mark and Ben
Mark stopped at Jill's to rest up on his way home from Houston.
Me, Leann and Marti at the race for a cure in Portland

Abby went too, and she sat by me on the shuttle bus, we had a great time.
Papa, Isabelle and Ally
Mark stopped at Jill's to rest up on his way home from Houston.
Thursday is my last radiation treatment, yeah!! It hasn't been as bad on me as the chemo was, but I an sure tired! Things are going well. The kids are being kids, acting like siblings, so I guess they feel comfortable here. Dana is wonderful, and has been a great help to me. I am so thankful she is here. She is a"phenominal" cook (to quote abby) It will "hell's Kitchen" when Cody gets here...I can't wait to see the things they create.
Gramp and Gram Drews will be here on Thursday evening, they are staying til Tuesday. Mark is taking Friday off, or he'll be off for a while if he gets let go on Wednesday....needless to say things are a lot tense here......he went to bed at 9:00 last night...that is unheard of. Anyway thanks for all your love and prayers in our behalf! We love you all right back!!!
YAY MAMA~ I am so happy all this will be over for you! Thanks for posting other pics while Mark was here! I really only had that one with him and Izzy.
Looks like you had fun at the science place. I am sure it's a bit stessful though with all the kids. Then, your adding Cody to the mix? Oh, my.
You are so Beautiful my Mama. I am so thankful that you are getting better. I love you so much.
What's up with all the comment spam there? Those spammers don't even speak English!
Anway--thanks for the update! I am so glad you are almost done! Poor Gram & Gramp Drews aer going to need a vacation after their visit!
I need to call you! XOXOXOX
PS: Dana, you look so PRETTY!
Hey Mom I callled you because i wated to see how you were doing. Love ya call me when you can.
I think I detect a little more color in your cheeks. I'm so glad you are near the end of it.
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