Marti and Abby
Leann stowing stuff on the upper deck
The garage before we started on it.
Marti sharing hair with me
Leann sharing hair with me

My buddy Leann. We have been friends since I was 15.
The before of the room, what a mess!!!
Marti, Me and Leann being patriotic
Leann, Marti and my sweet nurse Tammy

I have had 5 radiation treatments and I have 13 more to go. I don't feel really bad, but I am tired. Dana and the kids are here and things are going very well. They are in school, and seem to like it. We have to meet the bus at 12:15 to get Leanne. We only have 1/2 day kindergarten here, actually it is only 2 1/2 hrs. Evan has Mrs. Champion, the teacher that Abby had last year. She is really good, she is an older teacher and has worked with special ed kids. She has lots of patience
I can't believe I didn't write anything while Leann was here or while Marti was here, we had a great time. They did the Susan G. Komen race for a cure with me on Sunday morning early(6:30 check in) Abby came with us too. We went to the Fishers Landing ward for Sacrament meeting and came home and crashed. Leann had to leave on a 6:00 pm flight to Phoenix. Marti had to leave early on Saturday morning, and got to hang out with Mom and Dad in Tucson for a while
Mark got here on Friday evening after driving from Houston with Danas' stuff.
We worked really hard while Marti and Leann were here. We got the craft room all cleaned out and ready for Dana, and got an area set up in the garage for crafts and sewing.
That's almost half! yay Mama! Love the pictures with Aunt Party and your fun friend Leann. Dana says she loves her room. You Rock. Sorry you have been so dog tired! Keep smiling. I love you sooooo Much!
I like your blog.
Beautiful pictures.
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Good luck
Mommy! I have been trying to reach you on my silly internet phone forEVER! I really miss you and I have been wondering how your radiation has gone. I am glad you posted, because now I know why you have been so busy! I didn't know that Leann was coming to visit--how fun--nor that Dana was already there. I am happy about both things! I have some postcards for Dana but I didn't know where to send them, so I'll write to your house, even though they will be posted from the US. It's midnight there, but we are just heading out for our last day in London. Mostly we just want to take a few more pictures and visit the National Gallery at Trafalgar Square. The UK has been such a wonderful experience--I would love to live here for a summer or something and really soak it in, Scotland especially. There is such a warm, humble, friendly spirit there. We head home tomorrow and I can't wait to see my babies (!!!!!) and then my Mommy. Hang tough! We get home at midnight on Wednesday, so you can call me at my house on Thursday. HUGS! XOXOXOX
Did Dana get out of Houston before the Hurricane? Just wondering!! That would have been interesting!!! Glad you have so much help!!! Miss you !!!
DeeDaw, Thanks for so much FUN! Hello to my munchkins! I just thought it was odd that the thatched roof on the "old Farm house that Jamie took in Thorncote looks just like the thatched roof of that dang puzzle in the chemo room at the cancer center. It made me smile. Love ya tons and I really had a great time. Hey Dana! Hope you are feeling the Love and are looking UP. Smile and know that you are deeply loved by your heavenly Father and that he knew life here would be difficult. He loved us enough to let us make choices and if they aren't such great choices he allows us to use the atonement and wash them all away. WE always can be winners if we use the greatest gift ever given. His Son. Love you tons!!!
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