Mark and Amy

Dana and Amy

Abby and me

Mike, Me, Marshall, Abby and Amy at a lookout in the gorge

Amy , Me and Beacon Rock

Me and my sweetie at The Outback

Lisa and tired ol' me

Two of my brown-eyed them so much!

Abby and me having a snuggle during my treatment

I am totally a cone-head
Hi Lyndi. It's Liz. Nope not in SLC yet. Now it is looking like about 2 years.That is only because I start school September 24,I am getting my AA in Liberal Arts(only because I am selfish and want to do a couple fun courses in World History, other wise my major is in Nursing). I have set my schooling up so that when I am done with my AA I will be able to transfer to a 4 year college and get my RN degree. You now need a Doctorate for that (WHEW!!!) I love you much and hope you are doing well. You are always in mine and Adriannas prayers.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! We love you very much. Love Lizzy and Adrianna
Mama, that conehead picture is the awesomest thing I have ever seen. Thanks for posting pix...I bet it seems super quiet around there now! I love and miss you so much!
I LOVE the picture of you and Abby....I also think the conehead picture is great! Love you my momma!
LOVE the updated pics! You're so pretty with all your girls! I should say 'some' of your girls! Love the conehead!
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