These girls are soooo gorgeous!
Rooster Rock in the Gorge
The kids are getting along so well
The Gorge last Wednesday
La Tourelle Falls and the kids

Sorry this is blurry, don't know why....Dana is still beautiful!
Mike and Tegan Judd came down for the weekend, the kids were so glad to see them.
Dana and me
Jill with "cleavage"
Jill and me after church, we thought we should do a picture since we were both dressed up.

My boy and his dog, she was doinjg "peek-a-boo" but I couldn't catch her, she's too fast.
Dana and Jill hogging my bed!
Beautiful Leanne
The geeks....can't keep 'em off the computer!

My sweet Jillie has to go home tomorrow....I am sad. I so love having her here, and it has been twice as fun, because Dana got here last Tuesday night, and they have been laughing their heads off this whole time. Dana is staying until the 21st, we are happy about that, it has been a long time (3 years) since she came to visit. I will try and post some pics, last time I tried it didn't work................
1 comment:
Hello Lyndi!!
Happy Birthday!!!
Hope your not melting in the heat!!
Bet it reminds you of Misery !!!
except it cools off at night there!!
Love you!!!
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