Here she is arriving, before that we had a prayer. It is a pretty cool day, right around 50 when we went in. She was so brave, a little apprehensive, but non the less, brave. We started working on the puzzle that was on the table, there was another patient working on the puzzle too. She was called in pretty quick, they showed us the room (below) where everything would happen. The lazy boys were comfi with heating pads and they also had heated blankets you could get. They have soda and juice and snacks available during your 2-4 hour visit. We were there today for 4.25 hours. The first thing that happened was she drew some blood for testing right from the port. That was pretty cool, I think everyone should have one so they do not have to stick you in the arm with a needle when they need blood. Well maybe not, she has had a lot of pain in the right shoulder and arm. We then went with the nurse for Dr. Simon to a room to wait for Dr. Simon. He was in a meeting and it went over, that never happens. He said everything is a go, and that she was off, not by much to get a shot that takes care of something that the insurance would not cover. Regular price only $10k.

The room....I sat right next to her and worked on e-mails etc.

Dr. Simons nurse, we'll get her name next time.......she is really nice

Dr. Simon......really nice.....he asked about the church today, one of the other doctors in the group there is from our ward. He asked when was our church from, meaning when did it start, o' boy, that got it started. Even though he was late, we ended up talking about the church, the Texas FLDS, and a little politics for about 10-15 minutes.

Tammy, the nurse that will be taking care of her when she goes in each time. Very nice and helpful.

Just after the hook-up was made with the port.

Relaxing on the lazy boy.

Heading home was ok as we walked out, but when we were driving she did get a little nausia.
She is home resting now, very tired, so I do not expect to see her much the rest of day.
Love all............Lyndi and Mark
Mark, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for taking such good care of our mom. We love you both so much.
It's nice to see the pictures and have everything documented especially on the first day of Chemo and I appreciate that you were able to be with mommy. She looks pretty good-considering! We love you! The Petersens
Thank you so much for documenting everything. It makes it so much easier to be so far away and not be worried and wondering what is going on. Our prayers and thoughts are with you all. It is hard to watch someone you love deal with this. That means you and the kids Mark.Lyndi, you are a trooper. You have ----s of steel.... Love you all so much.You will feel better in a couple of days. My friend is about 4weeks ahead of you in the chemo cycle. She is doing alot better after the first infusion. Hope lies eternal. Keep smiling. You are great examples of endurance and love. HUGS!
We love you Mama, I wish it was me instead of you. We can't wait til this is all behind us. In the mean time our thoughts and prayers are with you, let us know if there is anything we can do to help. Thank you Mark and Jamie for being there to take care of her. Love ya
Mark, thank you for taking pictures of all this. I know it's probably a little strange and uncomfortable to be snapping photos right now but it really helps the rest of us feel like we know whats going on. It helps explain to the boys too since they do well with visuals. They said to say they love and miss you nana! Hope you feel better too they say!
We love you very much.
love matt and amie
Hope you are doing ok now that you've had your first infusion. Just know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we know while you make this look easy...it isn't.
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